Happy Republic Day India. Today, we celebrated our 59th Republic Day. It was a proud moment for the whole of country. Amid security threats and high security, we celebrated a very important day of India’s history. Republic Day means much more to Indians than just a parade. This was the day in the Indian history one could never forget. We became republic this day in 1950. On 26th Jan, 1950, we adopted our constitution.
Our freedom fighters and leaders pledged for a peaceful India where every Indian could live and breathe freely. But since Independence, it has not been that easy to achieve. India had always been engaged with some problem-sometimes it’s a war or a natural calamity. I request Indians to always remember the assassination of Indira Gandhi and the terror attacks in Jaipur, Ahmedabad and Delhi. These are the unfortunate happenings that keep India alive in our hearts. They force us to think that we owe something to India which we cannot pay in a day or through a check. Nor we need to commit our life towards this. We just need to curb CRIME and CORRUPTION and rest will take care of itself.
RAISE VOICES my friend. You may be alone in a beginning but soon you will many hands up with you and pairs of eyes for whom you are a leader. Everyone is pissed of the current situation. They are ready to roar against the system. All they are looking for someone like you who will lead their fight, our fight, India’s fight to get a India our freedom fighters dreamt of, a India we wish for and a India we want for our coming generations.