Critics may say this is a wrong step and some are in its favour. I say this is a right decision. There is no problem showing smoking on screen. It does not make sense if a mafia and underworld don does not smoke. Cigars are their trademark and they should be allowed to do so. It makes their personality influential.
People say on screen smoking promotes this habit in small kids. They are encouraged to do so when they see their favourite stars smoking. If they can copy their acts and heroics, why don’t this? Kids want to be like them. For this, I would say that movies with smoking scenes should be given an A certificate. But an adult certificate will stop minors from watching the movie only in theatres. What if they watch at home? Who will stop them there? And what is the probability they won’t be allowed to enter theatres to watch the movie? No Indian theatre has someone outside to check whether the audience is a minor or an adult.
Well, right or wrong, I welcome this step of the Delhi High Court. This is really a bold decision which could change the way of Indian cinema. Smoking is wrong but on screen smoking should be allowed to shoot. Banning this really stops movie makers to show what they really want to and put a limitation on their creativity up to some extent. I hope directors won’t misuse this decision and make movies wisely which will be an entertainer for all and not for a particular audience or segment.