Why the Indian politics do starts and comes to an end with Pakistan? Why does this happen when we talk about the authorities of India, we end up talking about the increasing differences between these two neighbours? Are we still neighbours wanting to help each other or are we just waiting for an opportunity to cut each other’s throat?
India and Pakistan are the most tensed neighbouring countries in the world. Pakistan, which can be considered a child of India (My opinion is that separation should not have been done) is constantly creating problems for India. From the very day, we are fighting and fighting over those issues which are not important than the citizens of both the country. I shiver when I imagine where I would have been if I was in Kashmir or anywhere in Pakistan. The situation is really pathetic and need to be solved as soon as possible.
Why is Pakistan so interested in Kashmir? Or it’s just an excuse for those terrorists creating havoc in India. If they wanted Kashmir this much, why did not decide on this matter when the separation was done. What I feel is that Pakistan does not Kashmir. They just want India to be indulged with them so that we cannot prosper in other areas.
Pakistan has always been jealous of India because we have been superior of them in every field. Pakistanis consider us their biggest rivals in every sport, every area. They play against us as if the will be crowned the champions. For them, winning against India is winning the World Cup.
I request Indian government to settle the issue of Pakistan as early as they can. I do not have any hard feelings of their citizens. What I do not understand is the policy of the Pakistani authorities. They need to clear their goals to the global community so that the people of both countries can live in peace. Together, we can be a world power but Pakistan need to understand this.
Please do drop your views. I want to share with you people.
Bye guys...