How many times have you encountered the situation when you need to make the decision very fast and you feel you have lots of options? Every option is the best and you just cannot decide to go with which one. And this is where you need to hear to your inner-self, your instincts and I guarantee you, you will always be right.
Instincts or gut-feeling, as we call them, never let us down. They are the voices of our inner self. They do not come to us every day. But when we hear them, I personally feel we should never ignore them. These voices are heard only when we are in the most typical situations and our decision could lead us to glory or dungeons. If you hear them and follow, you will win otherwise it could be a tricky time for you.
Why I believe them is because if they were the ordinary voices, why they do not come to us on each and every occasion. Why do we say it instinct? Those voices are audible to us because someone (not difficult to guess who is he) wants us to win and excel. He wants us to become the man of the moment and to steal the show. He wants people recognise you and love you for what you are and what you did. He wants you to set example for others.
So when this instinct or so called gut feeling does come into play? When you are on the football field and you need to decide in a flash of moment whether to go for goal or to pass the ball. When you are in the examination hall and confused between two options A and B and you want to go with B, that is your instinct. There are many circumstances you come across once in a while which awaken your instincts, they try to say something to you and if you hear them, you are on the top of the world.
Trust your instincts and they will never let you down. It’s my belief and I can assure you if you go with them, you will win.
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See you later.