You must be familiar with the free hit counters. If you are not, let me explain you. These are the small and attractive widgets which you place in your blog or website. T
hese counters are provided for free by various websites and keep a track of how many visits have been made to your blog. You can wish to increment this counter every time a page is visited even if it is in succession or for every unique visitor.

Now, let me tell you the importance of these free hit counters. They do not benefit your blog in any way, neither in monetary terms nor in terms of number of visits. Instead, they benefit you. It may sound strange but it is true. And I can say this as I have experienced it myself.
I put a free hit counter in my blog and let it run. And then I visited my blog after 24 hours and I saw that the counting of my counter has gone up from 25 to 30. It may sound like peanuts for an experienced blogger but for me, someone who has just started the blog; this is a very good increase. So, these counters encourage me to continue my good work. It shows that my work is been appreciated and people are visiting my blog because they have started to expect some good posts from me. This fact really helps and energises me to post regularly.
Even if that counter is not increasing because I am not getting visitors, I am encouraged. I am encouraged to prove myself to the world and tell them I am not just like some other blogger in the blogosphere. I am someone whom they wanted to read for a long time.
So, I would recommend everybody to get a free hit counter today. There are numerous sites offering this offering these counters of various designs which will definitely suit you and your blog’s taste. Get it and get to know how it feels when you see your blog is been visited many times since you last visited it.