“Love your job and you won’t have to work for a day”.
I totally agree with this. Some people say all they want is money and they are ready to work anywhere at any time (may be this is the reason why call centres are prospering in India). I too used to think the same. But scenario has changed and so too I.
Now I can understand what people meant when they used to say terms like job satisfaction and self satisfaction. Money is not everything. If you love your job, you will find happiness in that. If you love your job, you will never find your job boring. You never have to kill time in your office. You will enjoy every minute in your office and the day will never look to be endless.
Your job is your god, somebody told me this and since the day I have started my job, I rewind this line in my mind. This helps a lot as it energises me which keep me motivated and give my best to my organisation. I owe much to my organisation and if I will not be happy, I could never be honest towards my job.
And the best part of loving your job is YOU GET PAID FOR WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO. Yes, its true. Is there anything better than this? You are getting handsome salary for what you love to do. And even if you do not get paid enough, it’s much better to earn 10000 bucks and return home at &pm than earning 30000 and returning at 11pm. Believe me guys, life is nothing if you can’t spend enough time with your family. No amount of money can buy you happiness that you get with your loved ones. You spend quality time with your family, that's much more important.
So, go and choose job that you love instead of the job that force you to stay away from someone WORTHLESS..See ya